Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (Linden, Alberta, Canada)

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Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1960s.
Mennonite Archives of Ontario photo #1992-14-3341

The Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite congregation near Linden, Alberta, Canada was established in 1902. The congregation began when settlers from the United States began to move to the area in search of cheaper land. The Samuel Boese and Peter Giesbrecht families from Oregon first arrived in April 1902. Boese had been ordained as a minister by John Holdeman in 1893, so he provided immediate leadership for the fledgling congregation.

The first meetinghouse was constructed in 1904, enlarged in 1911, and enlarged again 1914. The congregation built a new church in 1920. By that time the also sponsored singing schools and Christian Endeavor programs. Later sewing circles and vacation Bible school programs began.

In the early 1990s, Linden aided colonization church planting, resulting in the Swalwell and Sunnyslope congregations.

Although many families moved to Crooked Creek, Alberta in 1928 and to British Columbia in the 1940s, a larger building was again built in 1951, and enlarged in 1973. A fire in 1996 caused extensive damage.

The Kneehill Christian School began in 1977 without necessary provincial approval. This led to truancy charges against 51 families. The test legal case, defended by the congregation without a hired lawyer, dragged into 1978 when the court ruled in favor of the church based on the Alberta Bill of Rights. The provincial education regulations were then changed to accommodate such parochial schools.

The Linden Nursing Home opened in June 1945. From 1945-1960 it also served as a maternity hospital for the area. A new nursing home was erected in 1963-64, and enlarged and remodeled in 1988-89.

In 2019 the congregation was part of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. The ministers were Bert Boese and Roland Toews; there were 182 members.


Canadian Mennonite (17 November 1964): 1.

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Yearbook (2019): 26.

Histories of the Congregations of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Ste. Anne, Man.: Gospel Publishers, 1975.

Histories of the congregations. 3rd. ed. Moundridge, Kansas: Gospel Publishers, 1999: 45-53.

Additional Information

Location: 1 1/2 miles east of Linden

Phone: 403-546-3020

Denominational Affiliation:

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite

Linden Congregation Membership

Year Members
1955 368
1985 355
1996 215
2001 210
2010 194
2019 182

Ordained Pastors at the Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite Church

Name Years
of Service
Samuel Boese (1857-1944) 1902-1944
Abraham Klassen (1850-1935) 1903-1935
Peter Baerg (1856-1933) 1904-1933
Peter Toews (1841-1922) 1911-1922
Isaac Penner (d. 1924) 1917-1924
Isaac Toews (1887-1976) 1922-1956
Gerhard de Veer (1886-1981) 1922-1929
Daniel Boese (1989-1988) 1922-1988
Frank F. Hiebert (1894-1980) 1922-1980
Jacob L. Baerg (1896-1982) 1934-1982
Albert B. Toews (1917-1999) 1948-1960
Edward Boese (1924-2014) 1951-1959
Dewey Unruh (1934-2019) 1961-1966
Ben Hiebert 1961-1980
Jacob Boese 1964-
David Ratzlaff 1964-1974
Robert J. Klassen 1968-1975
Cornelius Wiebe 1971-1992
Harvey K. Toews 1974-1990
Ray Koehn 1983-1992
Roland Toews 1983-
Henry Enns 1983-1992
Berton Boese 1997-

Original Mennonite Encyclopedia Article

By J. W. Toews. Copied by permission of Herald Press, Harrisonburg, Virginia, from Mennonite Encyclopedia, Vol. 3, pp. 349-350. All rights reserved.

Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite in Linden, Alberta began in 1902 when Samuel Boese, a preacher from Oregon, took up one of the first homesteads in the district. In 1904 he was joined by Preacher Peter Baerg from Manitoba, under whose leadership the congregation prospered greatly. The members have come from Oregon, North Dakota, Manitoba and Kansas. The first church building was built in 1904, enlarged twice, and replaced by new buildings in 1920 and 1951. Samuel Boese in 1944 deeded to the church some land and a large house, now called the "Linden Home." Between 1922 and 1955, seven preachers and four deacons were ordained. The church had the regular services, Christian Endeavor programs, a sewing circle, etc. The membership in 1955 was 368.

Author(s) Samuel J Steiner
Date Published April 2020

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Steiner, Samuel J. "Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (Linden, Alberta, Canada)." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. April 2020. Web. 14 Feb 2025.,_Mennonite_(Linden,_Alberta,_Canada)&oldid=167736.

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Steiner, Samuel J. (April 2020). Linden Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (Linden, Alberta, Canada). Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. Retrieved 14 February 2025, from,_Mennonite_(Linden,_Alberta,_Canada)&oldid=167736.

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