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/** * Scripturizer for Javascript. * * Link scripture references to ESV at Good News Publisher or Bible Gateway. * Instead of having a server side solution in Perl or PHP, the Javascript * version provides a solution to drop into any web page and then * automatically scan through the document and generate links. * * For more information, see * * * * @author Scott Yang <> * @version 2.2 */ /************************************************************************* * Configuration section - Here is the place where you can tune the behaviour * of Scripturizer for Javascript. *************************************************************************/ var Scripturizer = { /** * The document element ID used by Scripturize.doDocument(). If it is * empty, or the element cannot be found, then document.body will be used, * i.e. the entire document will be passed through scripturizer. */ element: 'content', /** * Maximum number of DOM text nodes to process before handing the event * thread back to GUI and wait for the next round. Smaller value leaders * to more responsive UI, but slower to finish parsing. */ max_nodes: 500, /** * Whether a link will open in a new window. This option does not apply to * "esvpopup" */ new_window: true, /** * Version of Bible to be used. If version is 'esv', link to GNP will be * created. If version is 'esvpopup', and 'esvpopup.js' is loaded, then we * will use the ESV Popup Reference. Otherwise, link to Bible Gateway will * be created. */ version: 'niv' }; /************************************************************************* * Code section - No need to modify the code below this point. *************************************************************************/ Scripturizer.translations = { 'AMP': ['45', 'Amplified Bible'], 'ASV': ['8"', 'American Standard Version'], 'CEV': ['46', 'Contemporary English Version'], 'DARBY': ['16', 'Darby Translation'], 'ESV': ['47', 'English Standard Version'], 'HCSB': ['77', 'Holman Christian Standard Bible'], 'KJ21': ['48', '21st Century King James Version'], 'KJV': ['9', 'King James Version'], 'MSG': ['65', 'The Message'], 'NASB': ['49', 'New American Standard Bible'], 'NIRV': ['76', 'New International Reader\'s Version'], 'NIV': ['31', 'New International Version'], 'NIV-UK': ['64', 'New International Version - UK'], 'NKJV': ['50', 'New King James Version'], 'NLT': ['51', 'New Living Translation'], 'NLV': ['74', 'New Life Version'], 'WE': ['73', 'Worldwide English (New Testament)'], 'WNT': ['53', 'Wycliffe New Testament'], 'YLT': ['15', 'Young\'s Literal Translation'] }; /** * Scripturize a DOM element. */ Scripturizer.doElement = function(elm) { var vol = 'I+|1st|2nd|3rd|First|Second|Third|1|2|3'; var bok = 'Genesis|Gen|Exodus|Exod?|Leviticus|Lev|Levit?|Numbers|'+ 'Nmb|Numb?|Deuteronomy|Deut?|Joshua|Josh?|Judges|Jdg|Judg?|Ruth|Ru|'+ 'Samuel|Sam|Sml|Kings|Kngs?|Kin?|Chronicles|Chr|Chron|Ezra|Ez|'+ 'Nehemiah|Nehem?|Esther|Esth?|Job|Jb|Psalms?|Psa?|Proverbs?|Prov?|'+ 'Ecclesiastes|Eccl?|Songs?ofSolomon|Song?|Songs|Isaiah|Isa|Jeremiah|'+ 'Jer|Jerem|Lamentations|Lam|Lament?|Ezekiel|Ezek?|Daniel|Dan|Hosea|'+ 'Hos|Joel|Jo|Amos|Am|Obadiah|Obad?|Jonah|Jon|Micah|Mic|Nahum|Nah|'+ 'Habakkuk|Hab|Habak|Zephaniah|Zeph|Haggai|Hag|Hagg|Zechariah|Zech?|'+ 'Malachi|Malac?|Mal|Mat{1,2}hew|Mat?|Mark|Mrk|Luke|Lu?k|John|Jhn|Jo|'+ 'Acts?|Ac|Romans|Rom|Corinthians|Cor|Corin|Galatians|Gal|Galat|'+ 'Ephesians|Eph|Ephes|Philippians|Phili?|Colossians|Col|Colos|'+ 'Thessalonians|Thes?|Timothy|Tim|Titus|Tts|Tit|Philemon|Phil?|'+ 'Hebrews|Hebr?|James|Jam|Jms|Peter|Pete?|Jude|Ju|Revelations?|Rev|'+ 'Revel'; var ver = '\\d+(:\\d+)?(?:\\s?[-&]\\s?\\d+)?'; var regex = '\\b(?:('+vol+')\\s+)?('+bok+')\\s+('+ver+'(?:\\s?,\\s?'+ ver+')*)\\b'; regex = new RegExp(regex, "m"); var textproc = function(node) { var match = regex.exec(; if (match) { var val = match[0]; var node2 = node.splitText(match.index); var node3 = node2.splitText(val.length); var anchor = node.ownerDocument.createElement('A'); anchor.setAttribute('href', '#'); anchor.onclick = Scripturizer.onclick; anchor.onmouseover = Scripturizer.onmouseover; node.parentNode.replaceChild(anchor, node2); anchor.className = 'scripturized'; anchor.appendChild(node2); return anchor; } else { return node; } }; __traverseDOM(elm.childNodes[0], 1, textproc); }; /** * Scripturize the current document. */ Scripturizer.doDocument = function() { if ((Scripturizer.element && (e = document.getElementById(Scripturizer.element))) || (e = document.body)) { Scripturizer.doElement(e); } }; /** * Initialise the module. It only needs to be done once to create/compile * regular expression object. */ Scripturizer.init = function() { var es = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var onload = 1; // Default to onload. for (i = 0; i < es.length; i ++) { var j, p; if ((j = es[i].src.indexOf('scripturizer.js')) >= 0) { p = __decodeQS(es[i].src); if (p.element) Scripturizer.element = p.element; if (p.new_window) Scripturizer.new_window = p.new_window == '1'; if (p.version) Scripturizer.version = p.version; else if (p.onload) onload = parseInt(p.onload) || 1; break; } } return onload; }; Scripturizer.onclick = function(ev) { ev = ev || window.event; var verse = this.childNodes[0].data; // Check whether 'ESVPopup' variable has been initialised, i.e. // 'esvpopup.js' has been loaded. If not, then we will fall back to // external linking to GNP. if (Scripturizer.version == 'esvpopup') { try { ESVPopup; } catch (e) { Scripturizer.version = 'esv'; } } if (Scripturizer.version == 'esvpopup') { ESVPopup.onclick(ev, verse); } else { var link = verse.replace(/ /g, '+'); link = link.replace(/[,&;]/g, '%2C'); link = link.replace(/:]/g, '%3A'); switch (Scripturizer.version) { case 'esv': link = '' + link; break; default: var bgver = Scripturizer.translations[ Scripturizer.version.toUpperCase()]; link = ''+ bgver[0]+'&search=' + link; } if (Scripturizer.new_window); else window.location.href = link; } return false; }; Scripturizer.onmouseover = function(ev) { var title = this.childNodes[0].data; switch (Scripturizer.version) { case 'esv': case 'esvpopup': title += ' - English Standard Version Bible'; break; default: var bgver = Scripturizer.translations[ Scripturizer.version.toUpperCase()]; title += ' - ' + bgver[1] + ' via Bible Gateway'; } if (Scripturizer.version == 'esvpopup') title += ' (pop-up)'; else if (Scripturizer.new_window) title += ' (new window)'; this.setAttribute('title', title); }; function __decodeQS(qs) { var k, v, i1, i2, r = {}; i1 = qs.indexOf('?'); i1 = i1 < 0 ? 0 : i1 + 1; while ((i1 >= 0) && ((i2 = qs.indexOf('=', i1)) >= 0)) { k = qs.substring(i1, i2); i1 = qs.indexOf('&', i2); v = i1 < 0 ? qs.substring(i2+1) : qs.substring(i2+1, i1++); r[unescape(k)] = unescape(v); } return r; } function __traverseDOM(node, depth, textproc) { var skipre = /^(a|script|style|textarea)/i; var count = 0; while (node && depth > 0) { count ++; if (count >= Scripturizer.max_nodes) { var handler = function() { __traverseDOM(node, depth, textproc); }; setTimeout(handler, 50); return; } switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: // ELEMENT_NODE if (!skipre.test(node.tagName) && node.childNodes.length > 0) { node = node.childNodes[0]; depth ++; continue; } break; case 3: // TEXT_NODE case 4: // CDATA_SECTION_NODE node = textproc(node); break; } if (node.nextSibling) { node = node.nextSibling; } else { while (depth > 0) { node = node.parentNode; depth --; if (node.nextSibling) { node = node.nextSibling; break; } } } } } var __onload = Scripturizer.init(); if (__onload > 0) { if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', Scripturizer.doDocument); } else if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', Scripturizer.doDocument, false); } else { __onload = window.onload; window.onload = function() { Scripturizer.doDocument(); __onload(); }; } } else if (__onload < 0) { Scripturizer.doDocument(); }